CAEN Educational Events

Multi-Aspect Young-ORiented Advanced Neutrino Academy
4 July 2023 - 14 July 2023
The MAYORANA School&Workshop aims to foster collaboration among young and senior researchers in nuclear, particle, and astroparticle neutrino physics, exploring interdisciplinary theories and experiments. Held in Modica, Italy, at Palazzo Grimaldi, the School runs from July 4 to 11, 2023, followed by the Workshop on July 12 to 14.
The School welcomes 50 participants, including doctoral students, post-doctoral fellows, and young researchers. It features 40 hours of lectures, poster sessions, mini-talks, and face-to-face discussions with professors. Notably, outstanding mini-talks and posters will receive prizes. Students are encouraged to attend the Workshop, offering insights into cutting-edge advancements and challenges in neutrino physics.