Thirty high school students from various Italian regions participated in the INFN’s ‘RadioLab Summer School’ in Macugnaga, at the base of Monte Rosa, from September 10-15. The program focused on natural radioactivity, exploring its geological origins and biological and environmental effects. Guided by health physics students and INFN researchers, the students, along with some teachers, Spent five days measuring radioactivity in the mountain environment using tools including the CAEN GammaEdu kit, and attending seminars by glaciology and geology experts. The Summer School also offered insights into the local Walser culture and mountain-themed literature.
The RadioLab Summer School is part of the INFN’s RadioLab and ISOradioLAb projects, started in 2004 and 2021, targeting secondary schools across Italy, especially on smaller islands, to engage young people in understanding natural radioactivity. The goal is to promote knowledge about this topic and its significance for health through experimental activities and direct measurements, particularly of natural radioactive gas radon-222. The week in Macugnaga was an opportunity for participating students to share experiences and learn more about natural radioactivity and experimental physics.