
16th IPPOG meeting at CERN

October 6th, 2018| |News, Workshop

The CAEN Spa education initiative has as its goal to inspire students to better understand current physics development, and to create a community of young students. CAEN partecipated at 16th IPPOG meeting at CERN and presentend six types of kits: Photon kit, Beta Kit, Gamma kit, and a premium version of Emulation kit and

International Conference on Physics Education – ICPE-SAIP WITS 2018

October 5th, 2018| |News, Workshop

This conference will be co-hosted by the South African Institute of Physics (SAIP) and the School of Physics, University of the Witwatersrand (WITS) jointly with The International Commission on Physics Education (C14) of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP). The conference will be held at the Misty Hills Hotel and Conference Centre,

Training Course for ERASMUS Mundus Program

August 24th, 2018| |News, Workshop

Thanks to ERASMUS Mundus Program partnership for the 2018 NuPhys ERASMUS Nuclear Physics Master, CAEN is glad to announce the successful conclusion of the "CAEN Digitizers, SiPM and EasyPET Acquisition Systems Training Course". Five students from three different countries attended the course which was structured in interactive lectures and practical sessions. Sincere thanks were addressed by PhD

CAEN and ERASMUS Mundus Partnership

August 24th, 2018| |News, Workshop

CAEN SyS is pleased to announce to be official partner of ERASMUS Mundus Program for Physics Master, a consortium of 8 partner universities in Spain, France and Italy, with the participation of 16 research institutions/companies, as associated partners in Spain, France, Italy, Germany and Switzerland (CERN). For more information:

Conference on Laboratory Instruction Beyond the First Year (BFY III) 2018

July 27th, 2018| |News, Workshop

ALPhA organizes periodic conferences dedicated to advanced physics laboratory instruction. These conferences bring together laboratory instructors and commercial equipment vendors to share effective lab curricula, teaching methods, and experiments. Each conference includes speakers, small-group hands-on laboratory workshops, poster sessions, and time for discussion and networking. The Beyond the First Year (BFY) Conference is an

PRISMA SCHOOL 2018 – Photosensors and Signal Processing in Particle Detectors

March 17th, 2018| |News, Workshop

The PRISMA School 2018 was organized by the PRISMA Detector Laboratory and supported by the PRISMA Cluster of Excellence, the Helmholtz-Institut Mainz, and CAEN S.p.A. The School addressed master students and beginning Ph.D. students aiming to work with particle detectors based on photosensors. It has introduced the concepts and technologies including light creation, propagation

Beamline for schools: studenti vincitori realizzano esperimento al Tifpa di Trento

March 5th, 2018| |News, Workshop

Beamline for schools @ CERN: studenti vincitori realizzano esperimento al Tifpa di Trento. Sono in partenza per Trento sei studenti della classe 4^C dell'Istituto d'Istruzione Superiore "Nicola Pellati" di Nizza Monferrato (Asti), vincitori della selezione tutta italiana, targata Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN), della competizione del CERN "Beamline for Schools" (BL4S). Venerdì 23

International School of Fusion Reactors Technology

May 4th, 2017| |News, Workshop

Measurement application is a particular area of interest to the magnetic fusion confinement (tokamak, stellerators). CAEN Spa participate with stand and lectures at the International School of Fusion Reactors Technology during a workshop opened in particular to students and researchers. The main focus of the conference was to define and discuss the new frontieers

High School Career Day

April 17th, 2017| |News, Workshop

CAEN participated in a day dedicated to STEM career guidance through meetings with young professionals representing the world of research, universities and high-tech industries. At that time, the high schools students and technical institutes had the opportunity to visit the Frascati National Laboratories and the DAFNE accelerator. Event High School Career

AAPT Winter Meeting 2017

February 21st, 2017| |News, Workshop

CAEN Spa participated at the 2017 ATTP Winter Meeting, a project-based learning for Introductory Physics for Life Science. The workshop enhanced the understanding and appreciation of physics through teaching through the discussion of Century Physics in the classroom with a focus on Astronomy Education Research and Astronomy Outreach & Planetarium Education. Event