CAEN Educational Events

4th School for Particle Detectors and Applications at KNU (SPDAK2024)
15 January 2024 - 19 January 2024
The “4th School for Particle Detectors and Applications at KNU (SPDAK2024)” is an upcoming event hosted by the High Energy Physics Institute of Kyungpook National University, Center for High Energy Physics. The program is designed to educate participants on configuring a Data Acquisition System (DAQ) with particle detectors for data collection. A key focus will be on measuring particle detector efficiency, energy calibration, energy resolution, and time resolution.
Notably, the event will feature lectures and hands-on sessions led by Dr. Sangyeol Kim from Korea and Dr. Massimo Venaruzzo from CAEN, Italy. They will provide in-depth insights into the DAQ systems offered by their respective companies.