CAEN Educational Events

26 September 2023 - 29 September 2023
Imaging has become an indispensable investigative tool in various scientific domains, encompassing X-ray, neutron, and nuclear medicine imaging. By leveraging advanced image reconstruction and analysis techniques, including artificial intelligence-based approaches, it allows for the acquisition of planar and 3D information regarding the internal morphological, chemical, and functional characteristics of samples. This holds true for fields such as Medicine, Biology, and Cultural Heritage.
The workshop aims to identify shared methodologies spanning different research fields, techniques, and scales. Key topics to be discussed include technical approaches to imaging modalities, multi-parametric molecular imaging, imaging for Heritage Science, imaging for Homeland security, image formation and processing, algorithms for image reconstruction and analysis (including AI-based methods), and Big Data management.
The Conference strongly encourages the participation of young scientists, and the program will feature invited oral presentations and posters.