CAEN Educational Events

RadioLAB INFN – Environmental Radioactivity: dissemination in middle and high school
20 April 2023
ISOradioLAb was born from the decade-long experience gained with students from Ischia and more generally from schools involved throughout the Campania region. The event on April 20th will see the students of classes 5A and 5B of the Scientific High School, actors of the project, present their experience and the results obtained.
The young researchers of the Naples and Milan Sections, Giuseppe La Verde and Michele Colucci, who followed the students both at school and remotely with meetings guiding them in understanding phenomena and analyzing data, will also report. Professors Paola Dragonetti and Stefania Mercanti of Liceo Majorana in Lampedusa will also intervene and tell their point of view.
The event will take place in the presence of Giorgio Chiarelli, president of INFN’s Third Mission Commission – CC3M and the school principal, Claudio Argento. The schools in Pantelleria, Eolie Islands, San Pietro di Carloforte (Cagliari) will also be connected. The day will end with measurements in the field of radioactivity in different locations in Lampedusa, guided by Cristina Mattone, thanks to the contribution of CAEN that sponsors the event.
The initiative, with national coordinators Professor Mariagabriella Pugliese from the Naples section of Infn and Professor Flavia Groppi from the Milan section, “involves students on the topic of natural environmental radioactivity and, more specifically, radon-222 radioactive gas to bring them closer to understanding these issues,” as highlighted in a note released in Naples.