CAEN SpA was glad to present the EasyPET kit at Bern University.
The event started with an informative and worthwhile lesson at Pharmacy faculty. Together with the CAEN specialists, PhD Cristina Mattone (Educational Product Manager, CAEN SpA) and Ing. Gianni Di Maio (Maintenance Division Manager, CAEN SpA), the Prof. Saverio Braccini presented the EasyPET to the students. CAEN EasyPET is a simple and portable didactic PET system which allows exploring the physical and technological principles of the conventional human PET scanners.
The second part of the event was focused on laboratory measurements and 2D image reconstruction at the Bern University Hospital (Inselspital).
A special thanks goes to the whole LHEP – Universität Bern team, in particular Prof. Saverio Braccini, Pierluigi Casolaro and Gaia Dellepiane, the main authors of this winning synergy.