Statistics Experiments

High level experiments based on SiPM technology related to statistical properties of the light and algorithms for background subtraction.

A series of experiments covering several applications has been carried out and are presented in this section through detailed Educational Notes. The collaboration with the University of Insubria allows to offer experiments based on Silicon Photo-Multiplier detectors for advanced laboratories using the latest instrumentation generation developed by CAEN for the major experiments Worldwide.
For every topic, an accompanying suite is being developed, including an instructor guide, indications on the analysis and a library of routines in MATLAB, a platform widely distributed in the academic community.

Hands-on Photon Counting Statistics

CAEN Educational
Particle Physics

Poisson and Gaussian Distribution

CAEN Educational
Nuclear Physics and Radioactivity

Statistical properties of the cosmic rays

CAEN Educational
Advanced Statistics

Random Coincidence

CAEN Educational
Cosmic Rays

An Educational Kit Based on a Modular Silicon Photomultiplier System

CAEN Educational
Particle Detector Characterization

A simple and robust method to study after-pulses in Silicon Photomultipliers

CAEN Educational
Particle Detector Characterization

Background removal procedure based on the SNIP algorithm for y-ray spectroscopy with CAEN Educational Kit

CAEN Educational
Gamma Nuclear & Radioactivity