Latest Tech News

Middle School Students Gain Insight into Cutting-Edge Research Technologies during Visit to CAEN SpA

May 11th, 2023| |News, Workshop

In a bid to foster curiosity and inspire young minds, a group of enthusiastic middle school students from I.C. Don Milani, Viareggio, visit us as part of knowing local manufacturer company project. Accompanied by their teachers, the wide-eyed students from I.C. Don Milani eagerly explored the state-of-the-art facilities of CAEN SpA, located just a

ISOradioLab INFN – Workshop on Environmental Radioactivity

April 26th, 2023| |News, Workshop

On 20th April 2023, we went to Lampedusa, the southernmost Italy island, to take part in the ISOradioLAb project of the National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN). ISOradioLAb is a variation of the RadioLab project, aimed at schools on Italian minor islands to raise awareness and interest among new generations and citizens on the

Particle Physics Presentation at High School

December 10th, 2022| |News, Workshop

On 10th December 2022, CAEN went to the ITIS "Enrico Fermi" in Lucca, Italy, with a presentation about particle physics and CERN. The aim was to show young students about the principles of modern physics, matter and particles interactions. Matteo Bianchini, physicist from CAEN, gave a report about how a physicist works on the company. Students

EasyPet kit at IEEE NPSS School

November 14th, 2022| |News, Workshop

From 14th to 26th November 2022, at Cheikh Anta Diop University in Dakar, IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society and the Senegalese Physical Society organize a school. The school consist in a various sessions of lectures and exercises about artificial intelligence in medical imaging, cosmic rays, timepix detector and PET imaging. The EasyPet kit by CAEN is used

CAEN at IEEE NPSS with Weeroc and Nuclear Instruments

November 13th, 2022| |News, Workshop

CAEN has participated at 2022 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Medical Imaging Conference and Room Temperature Semiconductor Detector Conference that took place at in Milan from 5th to 12th of November 2022. These are the main educational topics which have been discussed during the event with relatives products: Visual block programming software for Open FPGA

PRISMA+ School 2022

September 28th, 2022| |News, Workshop

On 26th September, CAEN partecipated at PRISMA+ School 2022 - Photon detection and FPGAs in particle detectors. The event consist in a varous sessions of lectures which cover the fundamentals and prepare for the afternoon laboratories. The participants has worked in small group to get acquainted with the subjects through practical exercises about Silicon Photomultiplier

SIF2022 – Advanced and compact solutions for nuclear and particle Physics experiments

September 16th, 2022| |News, Workshop

On 14th September, CAEN partecipated at 108° SIF National Congress in Milan (Italy) and presentend his talk focused on the implementation of Simple tools for discovering the radioactivity around us. With his versatile and easy-to-use advanced instrumentations, CAEN offers advanced instrumentations developed to improve powerful configuration, control, and display capabilities for a new generation

Kiel PLT2022 – Conference

September 6th, 2022| |News, Workshop

From monday to wednesday we were hosted by the Institute for Experimental and Applied Physics at the Christian-Albrechts-University in Kiel to show our educational solutions for high schools and universities. Check below our new handbook for new activities with our kit! download 2022 educational handbook Event Kiel PLT2022

ICARST 2022 – Second International Conference on Applications of Radiation Science and Technology

August 25th, 2022| |News, Workshop

CAEN has participated at ICARST 2022 – Second International Conference on Applications of Radiation Science and Technology that took place at the Vienna International Centre from 22nd to 26th of August 2022. The presentation "Integrated Educational Kit for Radiation Detection Training" was discussed on August the 25th at 11:20 – section Education and Training

CAEN at Laboratory for High Energy Physics (LHEP)

May 26th, 2022| |News, Workshop

  CAEN SpA was glad to present the EasyPET kit at Bern University. The event started with an informative and worthwhile lesson at Pharmacy faculty. Together with the CAEN specialists, PhD Cristina Mattone (Educational Product Manager, CAEN SpA) and Ing. Gianni Di Maio (Maintenance Division Manager, CAEN SpA), the Prof. Saverio Braccini presented the EasyPET