Nuclear Imaging – PET Experiments

Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scanner is the state-of-the-art medical imaging system, capable of providing detailed functional information of physiological processes inside the human body. PET represents a beautiful example of integration of skills and competences from medicine, nuclear chemistry, physics and information technology.

The SP5700 – EasyPET, sketched in the table, opens the possibility of teaching by doing the basics behind PET imaging, which is certainly an asset to highlevel educational laboratories.

The experiments proposed in this section are performed by using the CAEN portable didactic PET system, developed by University of Aveiro (PT).

Spatial resolution

CAEN Educational
Nuclear Imaging – PET

Two-dimensional Reconstruction of a Radioactive Source

CAEN Educational
Nuclear Imaging

Positron Annihilation Detection

CAEN Educational
Nuclear Physics and Radioactivity

Basic Measurements: γ Spectroscopy and System Linearity

CAEN Educational
Nuclear Imaging