
CAEN has joined to Eduroam Network as Resource Provider

November 8th, 2021| |News, Workshop

CAEN has joined, as a Resource Provider, the EDUROAM Federation (EDUcation ROAMing) with its wireless network, which aims to offer all users of participating organizations easy and secure wireless access to the Internet. On the one hand this service facilitates the free mobility of students, teachers and researchers, on the other it marks an

CAEN Educational Training at Aix Marseille University

September 28th, 2021| |News, Workshop

CAEN Spa presented the main educational kits of the company at Aix Marseille University, thanks to the contribution of the Instrumentation Sector. The event offered the possibility to the CAEN experties Cristina Mattone (Educational Product Manager, CAEN SpA) and Mr Gianni Di Maio (Maintenance Division Manager, CAEN SpA) to introduce the functionalities

Portable XRF spectrometers

July 22nd, 2021| |News, Workshop

The culture of innovation has always been a crucial aspect for CAEN. Today companies and public authority operate by the need for synergetic solutions to promote and improve technological transformation through diagnostic and preservation. In a context where advanced technologies reside in the development of innovative solutions in many sectors, ENEA Tech and INFN

CAEN solutions for Neutron Detection

June 23rd, 2021| |News, Workshop

Unattended Data Acquisition Module for Unattended Monitoring Systems (UMS) The R7780 is a complete readout, acquisition and analysis module for up to 8 neutron detectors that can work in unattended mode. It combines the functions of a Shift Register and a Pulse Train Recorder. The eight single-ended TTL inputs (LEMO) feature independent counting capability and adjustable input

CAEN Educational is flying up

January 21st, 2020| |News, Workshop

The balloon shortly after taking off, showing CAEN’s Cosmic Hunter inside a heated box attached to the basket At the 42nd international balloon festival in Château-d’Oex, Hans Peter Beck (University of Bern and Fribourg) ascended on January 25th 2020 with some of his students up to 4000m in a hot-air balloon, commemorating

18th IPPOG meeting at CERN

November 29th, 2019| |News, Workshop

The 18th IPPOG MEETING at CERN which took place on Nov 28-30, 2019 has been an important occasion to present some new activities in the scientific environment. Thanks to the contribution of APPEC - the AstroParticle Physics European Consortium - and NuPECC - the Nuclear Physics European Collaboration Committee - the meeting allows to

CAEN Educational for young researchers @ European Space Agency

July 19th, 2019| |News, Workshop

The EIROforum School on Instrumentation (ESI) is a biennial event, jointly organized by the Instrumentation Working Group of the EIROforum organizations. The objective of ESI is to teach the basic principles of instrumentation to young researchers (PhD students, postdocs) and engineers from the EIRO organizations, companies, and institutes from Europe and beyond. The sixth school (ESI 2019) took

17th IPPOG meeting GSI-FAIR

May 25th, 2019| |News, Workshop

CAEN Spa partecipated at IPPOG Spring Meeting 2019 helded from Thursday 23 to Saturday 25 of May 2019 at GSI-FAIR, Darmstadt. The meeting has been hosted by EMMI - the ExtreMe Matter Institute EMMI - at the GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research, which is dedicated to research in the area of matter