Human body radioactivity

Download printable version Difficult Execution Time Data Analysis Radioactive Sources Yes No Equipment: SP5640 - Backpack Detector  Purpose of the experiment: The purpose of the experiment is to become aware of the radioactivity of the human body.     Fundamentals: Potassium is essential to all living beings, including humans, where it's found especially in

Measurement of photomultiplier plateau curves

Download printable version DifficultExecution TimeData AnalysisRadioactive SourcesYesGamma Equipment:SP5640 - Backpack DetectorGamma Radioactive Source Purpose of the experiment: The goal of this experience is the identification of the working point of a photomultiplier by determining the plateau curve.Fundamentals:Photomultiplier tubes (often abbreviated as PMT) are widely used Physics, in medical equipment, analytical instruments and industrial measurement systems.

Geochimical and mineral exploration

Download printable version Difficult Execution Time Data Analysis Radioactive Sources Yes No Equipment: SP5640 - Backpack Detector Purpose of the experiment: Large area survey to evaluate the radioactivity concentration of Uranium, Thorium, and Potassium. Fundamentals: A geochemical exploration campaign aims at locating economic mineral deposits through the recognition of concentrations of chemical components,

Radioactivity maps production

Download printable version Difficult Execution Time Data Analysis Radioactive Sources Yes No Equipment: SP5640 - Backpack Detector  Purpose of the experiment: Starting from outdoor spectroscopy measurements to create the map of the natural radioactivity expressed in total specific activity in Bq/kg of the investigated area.   Fundamentals: The human population is continuously exposed to

Enviromental detection as a function of the soil distance

Download printable version Difficult Execution Time Data Analysis Radioactive Sources Yes No Equipment: SP5640 - Backpack Detector  Purpose of the experiment: The main goal of the experiment is to understand how the measurement of the γ environmental radiation can be affect by the distance of the point of measurement.  Fundamentals: The linear attenuation

Ground coverage Effect on the Environmental Monitoring

Download printable version Difficult Execution Time Data Analysis Radioactive Sources Yes No Equipment: SP5640 - Backpack Detector  Purpose of the experiment: The experimental activity aims to give to the user a critical understanding of environmental radioactivity phenomenon. Fundamentals: The use of portable gamma-ray spectrometers (NaI) as a probe for exploring the natural radioactivity

Enviromental monitoring in field

Download printable version Difficult Execution Time Data Analysis Radioactive Sources No No Equipment: SP5640 - Backpack Detector  Purpose of the experiment: Increase of the familiarity with environmental radioactivity topic via measurements in field which combine nuclear engineering and computer science for a better comprehension of basic physics concepts.  Fundamentals: Radioactivity is a physical

Radiological evaluation of the building materials

Download printable version Difficult Execution Time Data Analysis Radioactive Sources Yes No Equipment: SP5640 - Backpack Detector  Purpose of the experiment: The main goal of the experiment is the estimation of the natural radioactivity content in several dwellings and/or buildings representative of the different geological construction materials and commonly used in building constructions.

Detecting γ-Radiation

Difficult Execution Time Data Analysis Radioactive Sources No Yes EquipmentSP5640 - Backpack DetectorGamma Radioactive Source Purpose of the experiment: Gamma radioactivity detection by using a system composed of a scintillating crystal coupled to a photon detector.Fundamentals:Gamma rays interact with matter by three processes: Compton Scattering, Photoelectric Effect and Pair Production (whenever the energy exceeds

Test Sample Identification

Download printable version Difficult Execution Time Data Analysis Radioactive Sources Yes No Equipment: SP5630EN/ENP - Enviromental Kit  Purpose of the experiment: Record the energy spectrum of the Test sample and identify the peaks, after the energy calibration, by knowing the decay chain of Thorium and Uranium. Fundamentals: Naturally occurring radiative material (NORM) is material