Samples Comparison

Download printable version Difficult Execution Time Data Analysis Radioactive Sources Yes No Equipment: SP5630EN/ENP - Enviromental Kit  Purpose of the experiment: This activity shows how to compare different spectra together. Fundamentals: Spectra comparison is a very common procedure in statistics and physics and consist of the superposition of different spectra, taken in the same

Soil sample identification

Download printable version Difficult Execution Time Data Analysis Radioactive Sources Yes No Equipment: SP5630EN/ENP - Enviromental Kit  Purpose of the experiment: Record the energy spectrum of the Soil sample and identify the peaks, after the energy calibration, by knowing the decay chain of Thorium and Uranium. Fundamentals: Natural radioactivity has several sources that can

Fertilizer and photopeak identification

Download printable version Difficult Execution Time Data Analysis Radioactive Sources No Gamma Equipment: SP5630EN/ENP - Enviromental Kit  Beta Radioactive Source Purpose of the experiment: Record the energy spectrum of Fertilizer sample and identify the Potassium peak. The experience will guide the user to select a ROI and perform a Gaussian fit on the peak.

Background Measurements

Download printable version Difficult Execution Time Data Analysis Radioactive Sources No No Equipments SP5630EN/ENP - Enviromental Kit  Purpose of the experiment: Measurement of the background radioactivity to be subtracted from the energy spectra of the samples. Fundamentals: The main contributors to the background energy spectrum are the gamma radiations that originate from naturally occurring

Energy calibration of System based on LYSO crystal and Fertilizer sample

Download printable version Difficult Execution Time Data Analysis Radioactive Sources No No Equipment: SP5630EN/ENP Environmental KIT - Gamma Radiation Measurements Purpose of the experiment: Recording γ energy spectra of several radioactive sources and detecting the photo-peaks to calibrate the response of the system is the main goal of the experiment. Fundamentals: The calibration