Activities of University of Insubria
Activities of University of Insubria
I Silicon Photomultiplier sono tra i più avanzati sistemi esistenti nel campo della rivelazione di singolo fotone: presentano dimensioni e costo contenute, hanno un’elevata sensibilità e sono immuni ai campi magnetici (al contrario di molti altri sensori simili), ma hanno anche un rumore elettronico non trascurabile, dovuto a fenomeni quali il Dark Count e l’Optical Crosstalk. Mediante la loro quanticazione è possibile caratterizzare tali sensori: in questa relazione presentiamo alcuni metodi utilizzabili a tale scopo, tra cui un conteggio all’oscilloscopio, una Staircase Analysys e un’analisi di istogrammi di frequenze, basata su dati raccolti digitalmente. E’ inoltre possibile studiare l’andamento di alcune grandezze tipiche degli spettri luminosi, all’oscilloscopio o con istogrammi di frequenze, per individuare il breakdown voltage del rivelatore e i suoi parametri di assetto ottimale. Inne dimostreremo analiticamente la natura poissoniana delle statistiche sottostanti all’emissione di fotoni da parte della sorgente luminosa utilizzata (LED) e al fenomeno di Dark Count.
In this experiment the software COMPASS was used to perform the Gamma Spectroscopy and some multiparametric measurements with 22Na and 137Cs nuclear sources and a NaI (Tl) scintillator detector.
In this paper is presented a simple procedure for evaluating the absorption coefficient of aluminum (Z = 13) using a gamma-emitting nuclide, highlighting the characteristics and limits that characterize the measurement. Using the educational kit caen, is possible to investigate the full potential of the adopted method. The results obtained give great confidence in the instruments and the aim of this work is to provide the first tools for conducting a good spectroscopic analysis.
⏳️ Abstract We report on a common analysis for the experiments of SiPM characterization (A.1.1) and comparison of dierent scintillating crystals: light yield, decay time and resolution (B.1.5). With this proposal, we use CAEN educational kit premium, based on SP5600 power supply and amplication unit connected to the SP5650C SiPM and the
Even if a SiPM is able to detect very low light intensity, it can be used for detecting a large amount of light in radiation detection with scintillators. The CAEN Mini Spectrometer is based on a Hamamatsu 3×3 mm2 SiPM, model MPPC S10362‐33‐050C, coupled to a scintillating crystal. This sensor, with its 3600 cells, provides a wide dynamic range, allowing the building of a mini spectrometer. Its Dark Count Rate (DCR), due to the large amount of pixels, is one order of magnitude higher than that of the 1×1 mm2; its Dark Count Rate at 0.5 ph. is 3÷4 MHz: this is not a problem for the spectrometer application because we are not interested in counting photons, but in measuring the electrical charge of the large pulse obtained by the pixels signal overlap. A right threshold will remove all the spurious hits.
⏳️ Institute: University of InsubriaAbstractThe Silicon PhotoMultiplier (SiPM) consists of a high‐density (up to ~103 /mm2) matrix of diodes connected in parallel on a common Si substrate. Each diode is an Avalanche Photo Diode (APD) operated in a limited Geiger‐Müller regime connected in series with a quenching resistance, in order to achieve gain at
The aim of this lab was the full characterization of a system for high energy cosmic ray detection.
Download printable version Difficult Execution Time Data Analysis Radioactive Sources No No Equipment SP5600E - Educational Photon Kit or SP5600AN - Educational Kit Premium Version Purpose of the experiment Characterization of a SiPM detector using an ultra-fast pulsed LED. Estimation of the main features of the detector at fixed bias voltage. Fundamentals Silicon