All “Particle Physics” experiments

Detection Efficiency

CAEN Educational
Categories: CAEN Experiments, Cosmic Rays | Tags: Cosmic Rays, muons

Download printable version Difficult Execution Time Data Analysis Radioactive Sources Yes No Hardware setup This experiment guide is referred to the SP5620CH educational kit. Equipment SP5620CH - Cosmic Hunter Additional SP5622 - Detection System DT1081B Four-Fold Programmable Logic Unit (Discriminator, Coincidence and Scaler modules in one solution) Purpose of the experiment: To goal of


Difficult Execution Time Data Analysis Radioactive Sources No Gamma Hardware setup This experiment guide is referred to the SP5620CH educational kit. If you don’t have this kit, choose your own from the following list to visualize the related experiment guide: SP5600AN/D - Educational Beta Kit Equipment SP5620CH - Cosmic Hunter Purpose of the experiment

CAEN Educational: Nuclear and Particle Physics Experiments

September 24th, 2021| |CAEN Experiments, Cosmic Rays, Nuclear Physics and Radioactivity, Particle Physics, Photons

CAEN S.p.A., an important industrial spin-off of the INFN (National Institute for Nuclear Physics), is pleased to present its new activities in the educational field. CAEN brings the experience acquired in almost 40 years of collaboration with the High Energy & Nuclear Physics community into the university educational laboratories by providing modern physics experiments based on the latest technologies and instrumentation. CAEN has realized different modular Educational Kits, all based on Silicon Photomultipliers (SiPM) state of-the-art light sensors with single photon sensitivity and unprecedented photon number resolving capability. They have proven to be suitable for an increasing number of applications in science and industry. The main goal is to inspire students and guide them towards the analysis and comprehension of different physics phenomena with a series of experiments based on state-of-the art technologies, instruments and methods.

Cosmic ray Telescope

September 24th, 2021| |CAEN Experiments, Cosmic Rays

The existence of cosmic rays was discovered by Victor Hess in 1912, performing experiments on the ionization of the air. The cosmic radiation is composed by ener-getic particles mainly originating outside the Solar System and even from distant galaxies. It could be divided into two component: “primary” and “secondary”. Of primary cosmic rays, which originate outside of Earth’s atmosphere, about 99% are the nuclei of well-known atoms and about 1% are solitary electrons. Of the nuclei, about 90% are protons, 9% are alpha particles and 1% are the nuclei of heavier elements. A very small fraction are stable particles of antimatter, such as positrons or antiprotons. When cosmic rays penetrate the Earth’s atmosphere they collide with atoms and molecules, mainly oxygen and nitrogen. The interaction produces a cascade of lighter particles, a so-called shower secondary radiation, including protons, x-rays, muons, alpha particles, pions, electrons, and neutrons (figure 1). In first approximation about of 30% of the secondary radiation is composed by electrons and photons, while the 70% by muons.

A caccia di muoni

September 24th, 2021| |CAEN Experiments, Cosmic Rays, Particle Physics

In questa tesina ho scelto di parlare dei raggi cosmici e dell’esperimento di Rossi e Hall, che ha ispirato la realizzazione del piccolo esperimento presentato nella seconda parte. Parlerò infine delle applicazioni pratiche della misura del flusso di muoni cosmici

Radiographie terrestre avec les rayons cosmiques

September 24th, 2021| |CAEN Experiments, Cosmic Rays, Particle Physics

Quel est le taux de rayons cosmiques en fonction de l’altitude et de la profondeur géologique? Théorie et mesures. La physique et l’astronomie en particulier sont des sciences qui me passionnent depuis quelques années et je compte poursuivre mes études dans ce domaine. Le travail de maturité est une occasion d’approfondir un sujet qui me captive vraiment et qui peut m’être utile dans le futur. Lorsqu’on nous a présenté les différentes formes de travail de maturité, je me suis interrogé sur la façon dont je souhaitais conduire mon projet: effectuer un travail de recherche en répondant à une problématique mais également mener un travail d’expérimentation me semblait intéressant. J’ai eu par conséquent l’idée de combiner la pratique et la théorie, en réalisant des mesures tout en répondant à une problématique.

Report on A.1.1 and B.1.5 experiments: a combined analysis

September 24th, 2021| |CAEN Experiments, Gamma Spectroscopy, Nuclear Physics and Radioactivity, Nuclear Physics and Radioactivity, Particle Physics, Silicon Photomultipliers

We report on a common analysis for the experiments of SiPM characterization (A.1.1) and comparison of dierent scintillating crystals: light yield, decay time and resolution (B.1.5). With this proposal, we use CAEN educational kit premium, based on SP5600 power supply and amplication unit connected to the SP5650C SiPM and the DT5720A digitizer. On one hand, we use the SP5601 LED driver. On another hand we use a 137Cs gamma source coupled individually to BGO, LYSO(Ce) and CsI(Tl) crystals with a constant volume (6x6x15 mm3). In the former case, we vary the amplitude (intensity) of the LED driver and verify the spectroscopic response. In the latter case, the light yield is due to a 137Cs gamma source interaction with the respective crystal, and again a spectroscopic response is analyzed. As a proof of concept, pulse high and pulse shape analyses are also proposed. Schematic comparisons of the results obtained with the three crystals are presented.

Applications of Digital Pulse Acquisition Systems and Software Defined Electronics (SDE) in Advanced Teaching Labs

September 24th, 2021| |CAEN Experiments, Cosmic Rays, Gamma Spectroscopy, Nuclear Physics and Radioactivity, Particle Physics, Particle Physics

The CAEN DT5790N is a digital acquisition system which houses two high voltage supplies and two highspeed (12bits, 250MHz) waveform (pulse digitizers. These in tandem with the use of post processing software combine to produce a Software Defined Electronics (SDE) system that can be used in several advanced teaching experiments. FPGAs and built-in software can be used to display the pulse waveform and produce a time-stamped output (4 ns intervals) in a text list for post processing, e.g via MATLAB, Python, LabView, ROOT, BASIC, etc. The SDE can than be reconfigured as neeeded and used to run many nuclear and other expermiments in an advances teaching lab course. This serves to expose students to modern state-of-the-art data acquisition technology. Experiments such as Fission Neutron, Time-of-Flight, Comptron Scattering, Co-60 Gamma Coincidence, Na-22 Gamma-Gamma Annighilation. Muon Lifetime, etc. are well suited for SDE. The SDE system also provides a very adaptive and cost-effective substitute for NIM or CAMAC electronics as SDE can be easily set up with only a single digitizer box and a computer for many different experiments. Typical data using the SDE application we have developed for several advanced teaching lab experiments will be shown. Several other digitizers similar to the CAEN unit are also available for SDE.