Articles tagged as “Cosmic Rays”

Random Coincidence

CAEN Educational
Categories: CAEN Experiments, Particle Physics | Tags: Cosmic Rays, muon detection, muons

Download printable version Difficult Execution Time Data Analysis Radioactive Sources Yes No Hardware setupThis experiment guide is referred to the SP5600D/AN educational kit. If you don’t have this kit, choose your own from the following list to visualize the related experiment guide:SG6213D - Cosmic HunterEquipments:SP5600D/AN - Beta KitAn additional SP5608 - Scintillating tile is

Muons Detection

CAEN Educational
Categories: CAEN Experiments, Particle Physics | Tags: Cosmic Rays, Cosmics, Muons Detection

Download printable version Difficult Execution Time Data Analysis Radioactive Sources No Yes Hardware setup This experiment guide is referred to the SP5620CH educational kit. If you don’t have this kit, choose your own from the following list to visualize the related experiment guide: SP5600AN/D - Educational Beta Kit Equipment SP5620CH - Cosmic Hunter Additional

Muons Vertical Flux on Horizontal Detector

CAEN Educational
Categories: CAEN Experiments, Cosmic Rays | Tags: Cosmic Rays, muons

Download printable version Difficult Execution Time Data Analysis Radioactive Sources Yes No Hardware setup This experiment guide is referred to the SP5620CH educational kit. If you don’t have this kit, choose your own from the following list to visualize the related experiment guide: SP5600AN/D - Educational Beta Kit Equipment SP5620CH - Cosmic Hunter Purpose

Random Coincidence

CAEN Educational
Categories: CAEN Experiments, Particle Physics | Tags: Cosmic Rays, muon detection, muons

Download printable version Difficult Execution Time Data Analysis Radioactive Sources Yes No Hardware setup This experiment guide is referred to the SP5620CH educational kit. If you don’t have this kit, choose your own from the following list to visualize the related experiment guide: SP5600AN/D - Educational Beta Kit Equipment SP5620CH - Cosmic Hunter Purpose

Solar Activity Monitoring

CAEN Educational
Categories: CAEN Experiments, Cosmic Rays | Tags: Cosmic Rays, muons, solar wind

Download printable version Difficult Execution Time Data Analysis Radioactive Sources No No Equipment: SP5620CH - Cosmic Hunter Purpose of the experiment: Observation of cosmic flux variation due to solar activity. Fundamentals: The intensity of the cosmic rays observed at the surface of the Earth is influenced and modulated by geomagnetic effects, by the

Absorption Measurements

CAEN Educational
Categories: CAEN Experiments, Cosmic Rays | Tags: Cosmic Rays, muons

Download printable version Difficult Execution Time Data Analysis Radioactive Sources Yes No Equipment: SP5620CH - Cosmic Hunter Requirements: A large iron or lead tile is strongly suggested. Purpose of the experiment: The main goal of this experiment is verify the absorption of the cosmic rays passing through solid matter and understand related observations

Environmental and Cosmic Radiation

CAEN Educational
Categories: CAEN Experiments, Cosmic Rays | Tags: Cosmic Rays, muons

Download printable version Difficult Execution Time Data Analysis Radioactive Sources Yes No Equipment: SP5620CH - Cosmic Hunter Requirements: A large iron or lead tile is strongly suggested. Purpose of the experiment: To estimate the contribution of environmental radiation during the detection of the cosmic radiation. Fundamentals: Natural radiation is composed of two components:

Cosmic Shower Detection

CAEN Educational
Categories: CAEN Experiments, Cosmic Rays | Tags: Cosmic Rays, cosmic shower, muons

Download printable version Difficult Execution Time Data Analysis Radioactive Sources No No Hardware setup This experiment guide is referred to the SP5620CH educational kit. Equipment SP5620CH - Cosmic Hunter SP5609 - Telescope Mechanics or a similar structure Purpose of the experiment: Detection of the cosmic showers by using the coincidence of three scintillating tiles

Zenith Dependence of Muons Flux

CAEN Educational
Categories: CAEN Experiments, Cosmic Rays | Tags: Cosmic Rays, muons

Download printable version Difficult Execution Time Data Analysis Radioactive Sources Yes No Hardware setup This experiment guide is referred to the SP5620CH educational kit. If you don’t have this kit, choose your own from the following list to visualize the related experiment guide: SP5600AN/D - Educational Beta Kit Equipment SP5620CH - Cosmic Hunter SP5609