Caratterizzazione di Silicon Photomultipliers

September 24th, 2021| |Gamma Spectroscopy, Nuclear Physics and Radioactivity, Nuclear Physics and Radioactivity, Particle Detector Characterization, Silicon Photomultipliers

Il progresso nel campo della fisica nucleare sperimentale ed in particolare negli studi di struttura del nucleo è strettamente connesso allo sviluppo delle tecniche di rivelazione della radiazione gamma, questo vale sia per gli apparati basati su rivelatori a semiconduttore che per quelli basati su scintillatori. Negli scintillatori lo stadio di raccolta della luce di scintillazione viene classicamente realizzato tramite fototubi a vuoto (Photo Multiplier Tubes, PMTs). Questa tecnologia è utilizzata da molto tempo con successo pur avendo dei limiti intrinseci dati ad esempio dalle considerevoli dimensioni dei dispositivi e dalla sensibilità ai campi magnetici. Negli ultimi anni sono stati sviluppati dei nuovi foto-rivelatori al silicio (Silicon Photomultipliers, SiPM) che presentano numerosi vantaggi rispetto ai tradizionali PMTs quali, ad esempio, le dimensioni compatte (spessore minore di 2 mm), la bassa tensione di funzionamento (minore di 100 V) e l’insensibilità ai campi magnetici. I SiPM sono prodotti direttamente da un wafer di silicio impiantando in esso matrici di microcelle lette in parallelo ciascuna delle quali è un diodo (Avalanche Photodiode o APD) che lavora in modalità Geiger.

Understanding Silicon Photomultipliers SiPM

September 24th, 2021| |CAEN Experiments, Silicon Photomultipliers

⏳️ Abstract We report on a common analysis for the experiments of SiPM characterization (A.1.1) and comparison of dierent scintillating crystals: light yield, decay time and resolution (B.1.5). With this proposal, we use CAEN educational kit premium, based on SP5600 power supply and amplication unit connected to the SP5650C SiPM and the

Comments on CAEN Application Note AN2502

September 24th, 2021| |CAEN Experiments, Particle Detector Characterization, Particle Detectors Characterization, Silicon Photomultipliers

⏳️ Abstract These are notes meant to fill in the blanks and flesh out the partial explanations given in CAEN Application Note AN2502, SiPM Characterization. The CAEN system this note describes is a very high-tech item with complex internal functions and a lot of engineering behind it. In half an hour or

SiPM characterization

September 24th, 2021| |CAEN Experiments, Particle Detector Characterization, Particle Detectors Characterization, Silicon Photomultipliers

⏳️ Institute: University of InsubriaAbstractThe Silicon PhotoMultiplier (SiPM) consists of a high‐density (up to ~103 /mm2) matrix of diodes connected in parallel on a common Si substrate. Each diode is an Avalanche Photo Diode (APD) operated in a limited Geiger‐Müller regime connected in series with a quenching resistance, in order to achieve gain at

Hands-on Photon Counting Statistics

Download printable version Difficult Execution Time Data Analysis Radioactive Sources No Gamma Hardware setup This experiment guide is referred to the SP5600E/AN Educational Kit. Equipment SP5600E/AN- Educational Kit Purpose of the experiment Statistical properties of the light pulses emitted by a LED driver. Fundamentals Spontaneous emission of light results from random decays of

Dependence of the SiPM Properties on the Bias Voltage

Download printable version Difficult Execution Time Data Analysis Radioactive Sources No No Equipment SP5600E - Educational Photon Kit or SP5600AN - Educational Kit Premium Version Purpose of the experiment Study of the dependence of the main SiPM figures of merit on the bias voltage. Measurement of the breakdown voltage and identification of the

SiPM Characterization

Download printable version Difficult Execution Time Data Analysis Radioactive Sources No No Equipment SP5600E - Educational Photon Kit or SP5600AN - Educational Kit Premium Version Purpose of the experiment Characterization of a SiPM detector using an ultra-fast pulsed LED. Estimation of the main features of the detector at fixed bias voltage. Fundamentals Silicon