All “Nuclear Physics and Radioactivity” experiments

Ground coverage Effect on the Environmental Monitoring

Download printable version Difficult Execution Time Data Analysis Radioactive Sources Yes No Equipment: SP5640 - Backpack Detector  Purpose of the experiment: The experimental activity aims to give to the user a critical understanding of environmental radioactivity phenomenon. Fundamentals: The use of portable gamma-ray spectrometers (NaI) as a probe for exploring the natural radioactivity

Enviromental monitoring in field

Download printable version Difficult Execution Time Data Analysis Radioactive Sources No No Equipment: SP5640 - Backpack Detector  Purpose of the experiment: Increase of the familiarity with environmental radioactivity topic via measurements in field which combine nuclear engineering and computer science for a better comprehension of basic physics concepts.  Fundamentals: Radioactivity is a physical

Coating effect on the Light Collection

Download printable version Difficult Execution Time Data Analysis Radioactive Sources No Yes Equipment SP5600D/AN - Educational Beta Kit Beta Radioactive Source Purpose of the experiment This experiment investigates the impact of a reflective coating on the light collection efficiency in a plastic scintillating tile. Fundamentals Scintillating materials are commonly used in high energy

Photonuclear cross-section / Compton Scattering cross-section

Download printable version Difficult Execution Time Data Analysis Radioactive Sources No Yes Hardware required to perform this experimentTo follow along with this experiment you must have an SP5630EN/ENP educational kit. If you don't have this kit, choose one below:SG6117A - Educational Gamma Kit,SG6117B - Emulation Kit,SG6117E - Backpack Detector EquipmentSP5630EN/ENP - Enviromental Kit Additional

System Calibration: Linearity and Resolution

Download printable version Difficult Execution Time Data Analysis Radioactive Sources No 2 Gamma Radioactive Source Equipments: SP5630EN/ENP - Enviromental Kit Gamma Radioactive Source Purpose of the experiment: Recording and comparing the γ energy spectra of several radioactive sources is the main goal of the experiment. The photo-peaks are used to calibrate the response of

Energy Resolution

Download printable version Difficult Execution Time Data Analysis Radioactive Sources No Yes Equipments SP5630EN/ENP - Enviromental Kit  Beta Radioactive Source Purpose of the experiment The analysis of the spectrum of the deposited energy by a γ ray in a detector discloses the essence of the interaction of high energy photons with matter and allows

Poisson and Gaussian Distribution

Download printable version Difficult Execution Time Data Analysis Radioactive Sources Yes No Hardware setup This experiment guide is referred to the SP5630EN/ENP - Environmental Kit. If you don’t have this kit, choose your own from the following list to visualize the related experiment guide: SP5640 - Backpack Detector SP5600C/AN - Gamma Kit SP5650 -

Detecting γ-radiation

Download printable version Difficult Execution Time Data Analysis Radioactive Sources No Yes Hardware setupThis experiment guide is referred to the SP5630EN/ENP educational kit. If you don’t have this kit, choose your own from the following list to visualize the related experiment guide:SP5600C/AN - Educational Gamma KitSP5640 - GammaEduEquipmentSP5630EN/ENP - Educational Environmental KitAdditional Gamma Radioactive

Radiological evaluation of the building materials

Download printable version Difficult Execution Time Data Analysis Radioactive Sources Yes No Equipment: SP5640 - Backpack Detector  Purpose of the experiment: The main goal of the experiment is the estimation of the natural radioactivity content in several dwellings and/or buildings representative of the different geological construction materials and commonly used in building constructions.

Activity of the 60Co

Download printable version Difficult Execution Time Data Analysis Radioactive Sources No Gamma Hardware setup This experiment guide is referred to the SP5600EMU educational kit. If you don’t have this kit, choose your own from the following list to visualize the related experiment guide: SP5600AN/C - Educational Gamma Kit SP5640 - Backpack Detector SP5630ENP -