All CAEN Experiments

Poisson and Gaussian Distribution

Download printable version Difficult Execution Time Data Analysis Radioactive Sources Yes No Hardware setup This experiment guide is referred to the SP5630EN/ENP - Environmental Kit. If you don’t have this kit, choose your own from the following list to visualize the related experiment guide: SP5640 - Backpack Detector SP5600C/AN - Gamma Kit SP5650 -

Detecting γ-radiation

Download printable version Difficult Execution Time Data Analysis Radioactive Sources No Yes Hardware setupThis experiment guide is referred to the SP5630EN/ENP educational kit. If you don’t have this kit, choose your own from the following list to visualize the related experiment guide:SP5600C/AN - Educational Gamma KitSP5640 - GammaEduEquipmentSP5630EN/ENP - Educational Environmental KitAdditional Gamma Radioactive

Muons Vertical Flux on Horizontal Detector

CAEN Educational
Categories: CAEN Experiments, Cosmic Rays | Tags: Cosmic Rays, muons

Download printable version Difficult Execution Time Data Analysis Radioactive Sources Yes No Hardware setup This experiment guide is referred to the SP5620CH educational kit. If you don’t have this kit, choose your own from the following list to visualize the related experiment guide: SP5600AN/D - Educational Beta Kit Equipment SP5620CH - Cosmic Hunter Purpose

Radiological evaluation of the building materials

Download printable version Difficult Execution Time Data Analysis Radioactive Sources Yes No Equipment: SP5640 - Backpack Detector  Purpose of the experiment: The main goal of the experiment is the estimation of the natural radioactivity content in several dwellings and/or buildings representative of the different geological construction materials and commonly used in building constructions.

Activity of the 60Co

Download printable version Difficult Execution Time Data Analysis Radioactive Sources No Gamma Hardware setup This experiment guide is referred to the SP5600EMU educational kit. If you don’t have this kit, choose your own from the following list to visualize the related experiment guide: SP5600AN/C - Educational Gamma Kit SP5640 - Backpack Detector SP5630ENP -

Study of the 137Cs spectrum: the backscatter peak and X rays

Download printable version Difficult Execution Time Data Analysis Radioactive Sources Yes Yes Hardware setup This experiment guide is referred to the SP5600EMU educational kit. If you don’t have this kit, choose your own from the following list to visualize the related experiment guide: SP5600AN/C - Educational Gamma Kit SP5640 - Backpack Detector SP5630ENP -

Random Coincidence

CAEN Educational
Categories: CAEN Experiments, Particle Physics | Tags: Cosmic Rays, muon detection, muons

Download printable version Difficult Execution Time Data Analysis Radioactive Sources Yes No Hardware setup This experiment guide is referred to the SP5620CH educational kit. If you don’t have this kit, choose your own from the following list to visualize the related experiment guide: SP5600AN/D - Educational Beta Kit Equipment SP5620CH - Cosmic Hunter Purpose

Background removal procedure based on the SNIP algorithm for γ-ray spectroscopy with the CAEN Educational Kit

November 12th, 2021| |CAEN Experiments, Particle Detectors Characterization

In gamma spectra the energy, the intensity and the number of resolved photo peaks depend on the detector resolution and the background from physics processes. A widely used method for subtracting the background under a photopeak is provided by the Sensitive Nonlinear Iterative Peak (SNIP) algorithm. This paper reports a validation procedure of the SNIP algorithm, based on the invariance of the photo-peak area for different background levels.

A simple and robust method to study after-pulses in Silicon Photomultipliers

November 12th, 2021| |CAEN Experiments, Particle Detectors Characterization

The after-pulsing probability in Silicon Photomultipliers and its time constant are obtained measuring the mean number of photo-electrons in a variable time window following a light pulse. The method, experimentally simple and statistically robust due to the use of the Central Limit Theorem, has been applied to an HAMAMATSU MPPC S10362-11-100C.

An Educational Kit Based on Modular Silicon Photomultiplier System

November 12th, 2021| |CAEN Experiments, Particle Detectors Characterization

Silicon Photo-Multipliers (SiPM) are state of the art light detectors with unprecedented single photon sensitivity and photon number resolving capability, representing a breakthrough in several fundamental and applied Science domains. An educational experiment based on a SiPM set-up is proposed in this article, guiding the student towards a comprehensive knowledge of this sensor technology while experiencing the quantum nature of light and exploring the statistical properties of the light pulses emitted by a LED